Designing and printing a catalogue may seem like a tall task, but it doesn’t need to be. We’ll support you along the way.
We’re all looking for ways to engage with our customers, right? The goal is to immerse them in your brand and gain their trust. Ultimately, communicating with your clients is about storytelling and what better way to do that than the classic medium of print? Take them on a journey to get to know your company. Help them use their imagination to understand the benefits through written word and beautiful imagery. Booklets and catalogues, of course, are a great place to start.
Sure, designing and printing a catalogue may seem like a tall task, but it doesn’t need to be. We can help break down the project and support you along the way.
Check out our binding options.
Catalogues don’t always need to be hundreds of pages long. We print booklets and catalogues from eight pages and up.
With a myriad of binding options, there’s a lot of flexibility for page count, size, and ability to distribute.

Coil Bound
Commonly used for notebooks, user manuals, and calendars, coil binding is great for any application where you need to turn pages easily or frequently. It’s customizable too! Coil binding is available in dozens of different colours.

Saddle Stitched
Economical with fast turn-around times. Saddle stitched books are great for low page count items such as brochures, newsletters, and direct mailers. Since this binding uses folded sheets, page counts must be in multiples of four.

Wire-O Bound
Similar to coil binding but cleaner and more upscale. Wire-O binding can be found in cookbooks, business reports, and catalogues. It lays flat, allows for 360° page rotation, and makes for easy to turn pages.

Perfect Bound
Built with the pages glued to a wrap around cover. Perfect bound books have clean, crisp spines resulting in a professional look. It’s a great type of binding for bigger books like product catalogues, magazines, and year-end reports.
Our team here at Fallen Angel Comics is new to the comic industry and Kinetica Print has been extremely helpful and resourceful in bringing our comic books to life in physical print.
We couldn’t be happier with the quality and the price of our product. There are many more issues to come, and we look forward to the teamwork between our businesses. Thanks Kinetica!
-Ben Lenz, Fallen Angel Comics
You can lean on us.
We’re well versed in both designing and printing catalogues and booklets. We’ve made thousands. If you ever need assistance with a project of your own, give us a call. We’re equipped to handle it.