Posters are a great all-around platform to get your message seen. We’ve printed every type, material, and size under the sun, so give us a call.
It’s a common question – “Do you do Poster Printing?”
We sure do! We print custom posters in all sizes too; big and small!
Whether it’s an event, an advertisement, or to create a unique piece of art, we’ve helped hundreds of happy clients get their custom posters printed.
To help you with your poster printing, we have four printing machines to put to task. For the smaller-sized posters, we print using our digital printers. For the larger-sized posters, we have two wide-format eco-solvent printers ready to go. Whichever option serves you best, we’ll get you set up to receive high-quality posters that help you stand out from the crowd!
Common sizes & Kinetica Print
“I have to print posters, but what size?!” There are several factors for you to consider, but in our experience, the majority of custom posters we print are in the following sizes:





Not the size you’re looking for? That’s okay, we print custom sizes too! You’re not limited to these sizes, so just get in touch and we’ll help you print exactly what you need.

Design tips for custom posters
We have several design suggestions to get the most out of your posters, but after much debate, we narrowed it down to what we consider the top two most essential poster design tips.
Keep the content short
In most cases, you have a short moment to grab your audience’s attention. Concise messages will lead to a better understanding of what you are promoting.
Use large fonts
Chances are your poster is being viewed from a distance. If your font is too small, it will be difficult for the viewer to read. If you’re using short copy, there will be plenty of space for larger font sizes!
Benefits of custom posters
If you’re still on the fence about deciding whether or not to print posters, then it might be worth considering some of the benefits you’ll receive from them.
Cost Effective – Compared to advertising mediums such as radio or television, posters are cheaper. If displayed in the right location, your cost per impression will be much better.
Visibility – Posters are eye-catching. The majority of posters we print are full colour on glossy paper stock. Vibrant colours and imagery certainly draw attention!
Bridge the Digital Gap – Posters can conveniently help you bridge the gap between print and digital assets. Consider adding a QR code to your poster to provide more detail and generate an action by your audience.

Artwork specifications for custom poster printing
Posters are tricky because when you get into larger image sizes, designers are often required to enlarge their images. Usually, this will reduce the image quality. It’s always ideal for your artwork to be 300 DPI, but that’s not always possible.
We say when it comes to larger-sized posters, 18 x 24 or greater, for example, it’s best to aim for a minimum of 150 DPI. The loss in image quality is less noticeable in these instances.
Poster graphic design services
We print, but did you know we also do graphic design? We have a team of talented graphic designers ready to help you with your poster design. With years of experience, we can help take your concepts and bring them to fruition.
Add-ons for posters
If you need a frame to help protect your poster, we can supply you with high-quality, aluminum snap-frame poster holders. They’re aesthetically pleasing, increase the lifespan of your posters, and best of all, make it easy to swap posters when you want to change the imagery on display.
These poster frames are available in five different sizes, in black or silver aluminum, and with round or mitred corners (silver only). They’re also available with clear, non-glare plastic protectors to keep your posters safe.

Frame: 10¼ x 13″
Image: 8½ x 11″

Frame: 12½ x 18½”
Image: 10½ x 16½”

Frame: 18 x 26″
Image: 16 x 24″

Frame: 24 x 30″
Image: 22 x 28″

Frame: 26 x 38″
Image: 24 x 26″